conscious parenting

What is Conscious Parenting?

Conscious parenting is a unwavering conscious and intentional presence and attention that is employed in every interaction with one’s child. Conscious parenting involves a continuous analysis and development of one’s self – so as to be able to obtain intuitive guidance that is needed to be an effective conscious parent. What is surely needed – been needed to help shift the overall well-being of human kind? you – me – parents – guardians…operating from a stance of conscious awareness, embodiment of desired reality, compassion for self and kids, a determined and unwavering focus on self-discovery and transformation, and love. the younger generation is growing up with a different worldview that before, and parents (being the older generations) need to analyze their approach to parenting- starting with what parenting means. which will be covered in the first workshop – along with what parenting traditionally (in the west) has been. also – compassion for self as a parent/guardian.

Other focus areas include (and which will also be touched on in some of the above focus): discipline, guidance, communication, and social development) – what these things are – what they look like in a healthy manner and how they support the above focused areas (mental, physical, etc).

Two Day Workshop Agenda

Day 1

  • Day 1: 3.5 hours
  • 9am – welcome words and aura cleansing ceremony (drumming, blessings, calling on the potent presents in guidance of the Divine, sage, copal, smudge fan)
  • 9:15am – 45 min kriya and meditation 10am – tea, fruit, pasteries, juices
  • 10:15am – —– Workshop overview: covering arrangement of activities and discussion, and Day 1 and Day 2 discussion/topic overviews
  • 10:20am – topic 1
  • 10:50am – topic 2
  • 11:15am – 5 min bathroom and tea break
  • 11:20am – topic 3
  • 11:55am – fun role play activities and quick fire situations (to test if reacting is the go to approach – as opposed to a conscious response)
  • 12:20pm – 10 min meditation 12:30pm – Day 1 closing words and break away

Day 2

  • 9am – aura cleansing ceremony
  • 9:15am – 45 min kriya and meditation
  • 10am – tea, fruit, pastries, juices
  • 10:15am – Day 2 overview
  • 10:20am – topic 4
  • 10:50am – topic 5
  • 11:15am – 5 min bathroom and tea break
  • 11:20am – fun activities and journaling
  • 11:45am – sharing circle (what new energy have you decided to or have already stepped into since being at the workshop, and how do you see this being of benfit to you, partner, and children?) – done with eyes closed – let everyone feel into what is being said, and then this willstart and flow into the embodiment meditation.
  • 12:00pm – 10 min new energy embodiment meditation
  • 12:30pm – Day 1 closing words and break away

Topic 1: Physical Body

a look at

  • exercise,
  • being active,
  • nutrition,
  • rest

Topic 3: Emotional Body

a look at

  • emotional intelligence,
  • expression of one’s needs,
  • expressions in general
  • i feel

Topic 2: Mental Body

a look at

  • mind/thought mastery,
  • intellectual development
  • desires
  • feeling safe and supported – i am
  • feelings – i feel
  • creative expressions

Topic 4: Spiritual Body

a look at

  • belief system,
  • spirituality,
  • self as consciousness
  • developing a relationship and trust in self and/or higher source
  • spiritual practice

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